
We’re Just Sayin’ Research Camp In The Summer!

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

Check out some of our digital media art here!

These diverse and creative products are an outcome of an innovative youth engaged participatory action research project that examined spaces of encounter between Indigenous and racial minority girls and young women, age 12 to 18 years.   The program employed Indigenous and Taiko drumming, discussions, and digital media workshops to give voice to girls’ experiences of living in a relatively homogenous, mid-sized city like Victoria.

Special Thanks to: Grace Salez and MediaNet, Surrounded by Cedars, University of Victoria Graduate Students Society, University of Victoria Student Union, Marie Cooper, Elder with the Saanich First Nations and the University of Victoria Elders’ Council, Louise Milburn, Aboriginal Cultural Awareness and Healing, SD 61, Gayle Nye, Uminara Taiko Drummers, CFUV, University of Victoria Clearihue Computing Lab, Pink Sheep Media, Dept. of Women’s Studies and School of Child and Youth Care, University of Victoria, Dr. Jo-Anne Lee, Dr. Sandrina de Finney, Dr. Veronica Pacini Ketchabaw, Principal Researchers, University of Victoria,  and Research Facilitators: Nish Khanna, Ashley Jacob, Melanie Matining, Tracy Ho, and Manjeet Birk, Executive Director of Antidote.

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