Jo-Anne Lee on CBC Radio One

Here is a great interview with Jo-Anne about We’re Just Sayin’ In the Summer!
[audio:joannelee.mp3]Here is a great interview with Jo-Anne about We’re Just Sayin’ In the Summer!
[audio:joannelee.mp3]Cracks in the Concrete is a weekend-long event held from May 13-15, 2011 that will be showcasing teach-in/learn-in workshops, skill-sharing, discussion and strategizing that aims to inspire, strengthen and connect groups and individuals working on poverty issues in Victoria, on Lekwungen, Esquimalt and WSANEC territories. This is a free event open to all members of the community seeking to engage…
Every Tuesday, for the past month, the girls have been taking part in a homework club called “we’re just learnin’”. Throughout these past weeks the girls have collaboratively come together and supported one another in understanding and working through current academic requirements. Sistahs have also been present, and together we have discussed ideas for upcoming…
What a year it has been at antidote! Despite the very real challenges of operating a grassroots non-profit network in the midst of an economic downturn, nothing seems to deter the amazing girls and women of antidote, and we have achieved a great deal over the past year.
Welcome! This is the inaugural post for the Truth Tellers and Trouble Makers blog…
antidote is hiring a new Community Development Coordinator. This part time position will ideally: – Recruit, train and coordinate volunteers – Coordinate antidote participation in community events – Coordinate our intergenerational events – Promote antidote programs and events within the community – And more…For more information check out the attached posting. The application deadline is…
AFRO DIVA Introduces “Rock Your Fro” Saturday, July 9, 2011 Time: 2:00 to 5:00PM 1820 Oak Bay Avenue “Fro” refers to “hair” “Rock Your Fro” encourages personal artistic expression through creative hair designs. The common themes are self-expression and empowerment. Everyone, male and female, are welcome to participate, however; the target groups are girls and…