
SOCC & antidote Event for the National Day of Action!

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

SOCC and antidote (with support from the Girls Action Foundation) are holding an event this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16th, 2011 for the National Day of Action. Please join us for an informal day of solidarity and community building, food, sharing and movie-watching.

The event will take place on the UVic campus at 6pm, in the Student Union Building Room B025. We will be ordering in a lovely (FREE!) dinner of Chinese food (with vegan and vegetarian options readily available) and will be watching the film Fire by Canadian South-Asian filmmaker Deepa Mehta. Please arrive at 6pm for dinner, the movie will begin at 7pm.

Feel free to invite friends who are interested in learning more about community building around anti-Racism. Please circulate this email widely.

Direct any questions directly to Shantelle at

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