Multiracial Families Project

Workshop – using the arts to explore multiracial identity
Multiracial Family Project: Multiracial Identities Workshop This interactive workshop will explore the complex “racial” identities and issues of ethnicity and culture in the 21st century through photography, verse, and quilting.

Multiracial Family Project: Multiracial Identities Workshop
This interactive workshop will explore the complex “racial” identities and issues of ethnicity and culture in the 21st century through photography, verse, and quilting. The results of the workshop will assist in the creation of a resource book and travelling exhibit. This workshop is FREE and includes refreshments and lunch Limited to 25 individuals (registration…

Using the arts to explore multiracial identity
A presentation which was given in Belfast – August 2009 – about using the arts to define multiracial identity. The images show participants developing quilt squares at the 2004 Multiracial Family Day event, in Victoria, BC.

Multiracial Families Day, 26th September
A DAY TO CELEBRATE MULTIRACIAL FAMILIES! Happy to announce Vancouver Islands 7th Multiracial Family Day, which will be held at the Queen Alexandra Centre. Come and enjoy, celebrate and network and contribute the the Image & Verse exhibit. Dance & drum and participate with a theatre activity.