Meet & Greet & AGM

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

Hi everyone! We’re having an antidote meet & greet on Sunday, June 16th from 11:00-12:30 at the Victoria West Community Centre at 521 Craigflower Road (Fireplace Room). Come, meet some of our current board members, and talk to us about how to get more involved as well as share your thoughts about what you’d like to see from us in the future.

Maybe you’re involved with a community organization, or are a community activist, and would be interested in some partnerships? Maybe you have some skills to share with our members, and would like to run some workshops? Maybe there are some things you’re hoping to learn from other antidote members? Or maybe you just want to spend some time around other multiracial and indigenous girls and women! Either way, we would love to see you. And if you can’t attend, we’d still love to hear your ideas over email or on our Facebook page.

The meet & greet will be followed by our Annual General Meeting, where we will also be electing the 2013/2014 board members. You are definitely welcome to stay for the AGM, but don’t feel obligated. And if you’re interested in being a board member for next year, but can’t make it to the meeting, we will also be taking nominations by email. Here’s the invitation and nomination form: AntAGM2013


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