Author: Antidote Team

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

Intergenerational M21 Event!

Talking About Racism was organized and co-facilitated by a group of students from UVic Social Justice studies to build awareness and activism in support of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, March 21st. Saturday, March 24th was the date of antidote’s Intergenerational Event.  After welcome and introductions Elitsa facilitated ‘Barnga’ an exercise…

4th Annual Memorial March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

4th Annual Memorial March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

Please join us in the 4th Annual Memorial March for the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. Date: February 12, 2012 11 am – “Our Place” at 919 Pandora St. 12 PM – March to Thunderbird Park 1 PM – Speeches and Refreshments Feel free to wear Red or Regalia – Bring your drums and remember loved ones. All…

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

antidote is looking for a Volunteer Blogger!

Interested in social media? Looking for ways to have your voice heard? Want to create more positive representation for women of colour and/or Indigenous women in the blogosphere? Social media is a strong tool that can be used to actively mobilize connection and community building so antidote is searching for a volunteer blogger to contribute…

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

Immigrant Youth Take on Homophobia in ‘My Forbidden Disorder’

Immigrant Youth Take on Homophobia in ‘My Forbidden Disorder’ ‘My Forbidden Disorder’ is a new play written and performed by a group of immigrant youth that fearlessly examines the challenges faced by gay, lesbian and transgendered youth and strongly condemns the homophobia they face at school and in our communities. When Koyume Fukushima, age 17,…

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

Afro Diva Introduces “Rock Your Fro”

AFRO DIVA Introduces “Rock Your Fro” Saturday, July 9, 2011 Time: 2:00 to 5:00PM 1820 Oak Bay Avenue “Fro” refers to “hair” “Rock Your Fro” encourages personal artistic expression through creative hair designs. The common themes are self-expression and empowerment. Everyone, male and female, are welcome to participate, however; the target groups are girls and…

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

antidote is seeking new Board Members!

antidote will be holding our Annual General Meeting this Thursday, May 26th. The event will be open and welcome for all. Please circulate widely! Apologies for the cross-posting. antidote Annual General Meeting Thursday, May 26th 5-8pm BCGEU Auditorium 2994 Douglas Street Victoria 5-6pm Social 6-8pm General Meeting and Elections There will be nomination opennings for:…

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

[External Event] Cracks in the Concrete Volunteer Call-Out!

Cracks in the Concrete is a weekend-long event held from May 13-15, 2011 that will be showcasing teach-in/learn-in workshops, skill-sharing, discussion and strategizing that aims to inspire, strengthen and connect groups and individuals working on poverty issues in Victoria, on Lekwungen, Esquimalt and WSANEC territories. This is a free event open to all members of the community seeking to engage…

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.
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antidote Annual General Meeting 2011

Share free food and beverages with us and celebrate our successes over the past year at our Annual General Meeting! Additionally, antidote is seeking new Board Representatives to lead in sharing the voices of our Aunties, Sistahs and Gurlz in our network! If you’re interested in joining our family, email us at .