Author: Antidote Team

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

Community Forum – thank you for your support!

Our Community Forum 2009 was a huge success.  Held at the Victoria Events Centre on October 8th, 2009, there were approximately 150 people in attendance.  The event included a silent auction, a loonie auction and soft launch of our girl produced documentaries!!!  We danced the night away to some live drumming beats! We would like…

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

African Buffet Night with Craft Sale and Fashion Show

AHAVI Upcoming Event: Le Petit Dakar Catering is once again organizing the African Buffet Night featuring a craft and fashion show. Spread the word and come out with your families and friends to enjoy amazing and tasty African cuisine, buy beautiful African craft works and have a fun evening. This will be held on SATURDAY,…

antidote network, illustrations by Eva Campbell.

Multiracial Family Project: Multiracial Identities Workshop

This interactive workshop will explore the complex “racial” identities and issues of ethnicity and culture in the 21st century through photography, verse, and quilting. The results of the workshop will assist in the creation of a resource book and travelling exhibit. This workshop is FREE and includes refreshments and lunch Limited to 25 individuals (registration…