We’re just sayin’ in the summer on AChannel
Check out this piece about the Gurlz’ Club, We’re just sayin’ in the summer…
Check out this piece about the Gurlz’ Club, We’re just sayin’ in the summer…
At Xchanges Gallery and Artists’ Studios! Opening reception for ENCOUNTERS will be from 8 to 10 pm, August 20. The exhibit runs until September 6, 2009.
Movie night on August 17th! Download the poster [PDF]. Start Time: 6:30pm Date: 2009-08-17 Location: Eric Martin Pavillion Description: Women in Shadows:The story of one Métis woman”s
Check out some of our digital media art here! These diverse and creative products are an outcome of an innovative youth engaged participatory action research project that examined spaces of encounter between Indigenous and racial minority girls and young women, age 12 to 18 years. The program employed Indigenous and Taiko drumming,
We’re Just Sayin’ In the Summer: Gurl Solidarity Media Program is a 5 day media program and research initiative with in collaboration with the Department of Women’s Studies. Today is the last day of our media program. : ( sniff! It’s been such an amazing experience so far. Through this media program we are…
The Silent Epidemic By Rakiya Larkin, age 14, self-identified First Nations
This is a great spoken word video that antidote has come across on many different occasions. Check it out and let us know what you think.
Title: Intergenerational Event: Bollywood Dance Location: Victoria Arts Connection
What a year it has been at antidote! Despite the very real challenges of operating a grassroots non-profit network in the midst of an economic downturn, nothing seems to deter the amazing girls and women of antidote, and we have achieved a great deal over the past year.
The past 10 months have been a delightful whirlwind of an experience. It was certainly a bit nerve wrecking to have taken on this position from a distance, but once I stepped into the warm embrace of antidote, I knew I was home. It is an honour to work in the presence