Gurlz Camp on CBC Radio One

Check out this totally cool interview with Alex and Mel!
[audio:uvic2.mp3]Check out this totally cool interview with Alex and Mel!
[audio:uvic2.mp3]a continuation of Part 1 and Part 2. Why should people care? There is too much at risk for people not to care about these silences and erasures. When racism and sexism might be salient to deaths and violence against women and girls, we need to know. This crucial information helps us make sense of…
Check out some of our digital media art here! These diverse and creative products are an outcome of an innovative youth engaged participatory action research project that examined spaces of encounter between Indigenous and racial minority girls and young women, age 12 to 18 years. The program employed Indigenous and Taiko drumming,
Welcome! This is the inaugural post for the Truth Tellers and Trouble Makers blog…
a continuation of Part 1. When I learned that Amanda was mixed race and was harassed because of her “difference” from peers, I was transported back to Reena Virk’s death some fifteen years earlier. Then too, Reena’s racial and ethnic background was barely noted in the media despite her obvious South Asian ethnic background, and…
Check out our new antidote Page on Facebook and press “Like” to stay connected, share links, share comments and build community online! Find our antidote Page on Facebook at
Alicia Menendez Tonight is a TV show that recently featured an interview with comedian Kristina Wong as well as the head of an online dating service that collected data about users’ racial preferences. Kristina Wong reacted in what may have been the only way possible, given the attempted all-too-serious (or not serious enough!) discussion of…
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Congrats on the exposure! You sound great.
awesome!!! way to go!!!! 🙂
way to go mel and alex…:)